Available Execution Nodes


Play Animation

A block that plays an animation supplied to it.

const block = new BABYLON.FlowGraphPlayAnimationBlock();
block.target.setValue(...); // sets the target of the animation
block.animation.setValue(...); // sets the animation to play
block.speed.setValue(...); // sets the speed of the animation
block.loop.setValue(...); // sets if the animation should loop or not
block.from.setValue(...); // sets the starting frame of the animation
block.to.setValue(...); // sets the ending frame of the animation
block.runningAnimatable.connectTo(...) // the Animatable produced by running the animation
block.onDone.connectTo(...) // this output flow executes as soon as the animation is played
block.onAnimationEnd.connectTo(...) // this output flow executes only once the animation stops playing

Stop Animation

A block that stops an animation.

const block = new BABYLON.FlowGraphStopAnimationBlock();
block.animationToStop.setValue(...) // the ANIMATABLE to stop running

Pause Animation

A block that pauses an animation.

const block = new BABYLON.FlowGraphPauseAnimationBlock();
block.animationToPause.setValue(...) // the ANIMATABLE to pause

Control Flow


A block that executes one of two output flows depending on a condition.

const block = new BABYLON.FlowGraphBranchBlock();
block.condition.setValue(...) // the condition to check
block.onTrue.connectTo(...) // the flow to execute if the condition is true
block.onFalse.connectTo(...) // the flow to execute if the condition is false


A block that counts the number of times that it has been called.

const block = new BABYLON.FlowGraphCounterBlock();
block.reset.connectTo(...) // input flow that resets the counter when activated
block.count.connectTo(...) // the count


A block that executes an output flow maximum a set number of times

const block = new BABYLON.FlowGraphDoNBlock();
block.reset.connectTo(...) // input flow that resets the times already executed when activated
block.maxNumberOfExecutions.setValue(5...) // will execute the output flow a maximum of 5 times
block.currentCount.connectTo(...) // the current count of executions of the block.

Flip Flop

A block that flips betweent two flows.


A block that executes a flow in a loop.

const forLoop = new BABYLON.FlowGraphForLoopBlock();
forLoop.startIndex.setValue(1...) // the start index of the loop
forLoop.endIndex.setValue(3...) // the end index of the loop
forLoop.step.setValue(2...) // the increment of the index of the loop
forLoop.index.connectTo(...) // the current index of the loop
forLoop.onLoop.connectTo(...) // the body of the loop
forLoop.onDone.connectTo(...) // the flow to execute when the loop is done running


A block that executes one of N outputs sequentially or randomly.


A block that executes one of N outputs based on a selection.


A block that throttles the execution of an output signal.


A block that activates an output once a timer has ran out.


A block that executes an output once all the inputs have been activated.

While Loop

A block that executes an output while a condition is true.


Custom Function

A block that executes a custom function.


A block that logs a message on the console.

Send Custom Event

A block that sends a custom events (see Event Nodes).

Set Property

A block that sets a property on a target object.

Set Variable

A block that sets a variable on the graph.