
The Selection Panel Helper

A SelectionPanel contains groups of checkboxes, radio buttons and sliders. Though not as versatile as as building your own interface with your own custom arrangement of controls it can be a quick way to construct a method of changing scene parameters for objects within your scene.

selection panel         Fig 1

Referencing a Selection Panel

As you can see in Fig 1 a selection panel rectangle contains a vertical organization of groups numbered from the top starting at 0. Each groups contains a header and a variable number of selectors. Each selector consists of a (or button) and a label. Within any one group all the selectors must be of the same type. You can refer to a selector by its group number and then the position of the selector within the group. So the checkbox labelled High has reference 0, 1, ie. group 0, selector 1.

NOTE Adding or removing groups or selectors with change the reference number. The reference number always refers to the current positioning of the group and of the selector.

Creating a Selection Panel

As usual with GUI containers you will need to create an advanced dynamic texture to add the selection panel to. You can set the dimensions and position of the selection panel. The format to construct a blank selection panel is

new BABYLON.GUI.SelectionPanel(name);

After construction you can add groups of selectors, each newly added group is placed below any already added groups. For example

const advancedTexture = BABYLON.GUI.AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI");
const selectBox = new BABYLON.GUI.SelectionPanel("selectBox");
selectBox.width = 0.25;
selectBox.height = 0.52;
selectBox.horizontalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT;
selectBox.verticalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM;

In addition if you have already constructed selector groups then you can then pass them in an array when you create the selection panel. The format for this is

new BABYLON.GUI.SelectionPanel(name, [selector groups])


const advancedTexture = BABYLON.GUI.AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI");
const selectBox = new BABYLON.GUI.SelectionPanel("selectBox", [transformGroup, colorGroup, rotateGroup]);
selectBox.width = 0.25;
selectBox.height = 0.52;
selectBox.horizontalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT;
selectBox.verticalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM;

Creating Groups

There are three types of groups, a checkbox group, a radio group and a slider group, which are created using the structure

new BABYLON.GUI.<Type>Group(header)

For example

const transformGroup = new BABYLON.GUI.CheckboxGroup("Transformation");
const colorGroup = new BABYLON.GUI.RadioGroup("Color");
const rotateGroup = new BABYLON.GUI.SliderGroup("Rotation");

Creating Selectors

Naturally there are three types of selectors and each can only be added to the appropriate group. External functions for each selector refer any changes in the value to properties of scene objects.

Checkbox and radio selectors are simply added to their group using two parameters, a label name and the external function reference. An optional third parameter can set the initial checked state of the selector to true (default value is false).

A slider selector is added to its group with a number of parameters, the first two being as before a label name and a reference to the external function. Due to the nature of a slider the following optional parameters can be set

a string describing the units used, eg degrees or metres
the minimum value for the slider
the maximum value for the slider
the start value for the Slider between min and max
the function used to format the value displayed

New selectors are added below those already added.

Example usage

transformGroup.addCheckbox("Small", toSize);
transformGroup.addCheckbox("High", toPlace);
colorGroup.addRadio("Blue", setColor, true);
colorGroup.addRadio("Red", setColor);
rotateGroup.addSlider("Angle Y", orientateY, "degs", 0, 2 * Math.PI, 0, displayValue);
rotateGroup.addSlider("Angle X", orientateX, "degs", 0, 2 * Math.PI, Math.PI, displayValue);

Selector Called Functions

Checkbox Selector

One function for each selector. Each requires a Boolean parameter with actions depending whether the control is checked or not


const toSize = function (isChecked) {
if (isChecked) {
box.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
} else {
box.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 1, 1);
const toPlace = function (isChecked) {
if (isChecked) {
box.position.y = 1.5;
} else {
box.position.y = 0.5;

Radio Selector

Within a radio group the same function is used for all selectors. The function requires a number parameter which will match the selector position with actions for each selector


const setColor = function (but) {
switch (but) {
case 0:
box.material = blueMat;
case 1:
box.material = redMat;

Slider Selector

Each slider selector requires two functions, one to change scene object properties and one to set the display format within the slider label.


// Change mesh
const orientateY = function (angle) {
box.rotation.y = angle;
const orientateX = function (angle) {
box.rotation.x = angle;
//Format value
const displayValue = function (value) {
return BABYLON.Tools.ToDegrees(value) | 0;

Customize the Selection Panel

Colors and Font

For consistency of appearance you can only change the overall font and color of all headers, all labels and all selector buttons.

Without any direct setting, the color of labels follows that of the selection panel.

It is possible to set the color of all headers, labels, separator bars and selector buttons and the background color of all selector buttons.

selectBox.color = "blue";
selectBox.background = "#FFFF99";
selectBox.barColor = "#4F7DF2";
selectBox.headerColor = "blue";
selectBox.buttonColor = "orange";
selectBox.buttonBackground = "#684502";
selectBox.labelColor = "brown";

Individual headers and labels can have their text changed.

selectBox.setHeaderName("Move", 0);
selectBox.relabel("Theta", 2, 0);

Groups and Selectors

As stated earlier you can add groups at the bottom of the selection panel at any time. You can also remove a group by reference to its position in the list, eg


Note Groups below the removed group will have new positions and so need to be referenced by their new position.

In the same way a selector of the correct type can be added to the bottom of a group at any time using the add<Type> method.

transformGroup.addCheckbox("Across", toLeft);

A selector can be removed from a group at any time using its position in the group, eg


For a selector within a group that is contained within a selection panel you can add a selector by use of the group position and correct parameters, eg

selectBox.addToGroupSlider(2, "Angle X", orientateX, "degs", 0, 2 * Math.PI, Math.PI, displayValue);

and remove a selector by using its reference position, ie. group and selector position in the group. For example

selectBox.removeFromGroupSelector(0, 0);

Further reading

The Babylon GUI
Learn all about the Babylon.js 2D GUI system.
The Babylon GUI
Scroll Viewer
Learn about Scroll Viewer in Babylon.js.
Scroll Viewer
XML Loader
Learn about the Babylon.js XML Loader.
XML Loader
Babylon 3D GUI
Learn all about the Babylon.js 3D GUI System.
Babylon 3D GUI