Device Source Manager


The DeviceSourceManager is a class that will manage the connections for various user input devices and provide methods of querying those devices for their current state.
This class supports several methods of input:

  • Keyboard (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Keyboard, Inputs: number)
  • Mouse (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Mouse, Inputs: BABYLON.PointerInput)
  • Touch (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Pointer, Inputs: BABYLON.PointerInput)
  • DualShock Gamepad (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.DualShock, Inputs: BABYLON.DualShockInput)
  • Xbox Gamepad, One or 360 (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox, Inputs: BABYLON.XboxInput)
  • Switch Gamepad, L+R JoyCon Grip or Pro Controller (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Switch, Inputs: BABYLON.SwitchInput)
  • Generic/Other Gamepad (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Generic, Inputs: number)

Here's an example of the DeviceSourceManager in use

DeviceSourceManager Example

To use the DeviceSourceManager, first create an instance of it. You will need to provide an engine object.

const deviceSourceManager = new BABYLON.DeviceSourceManager(scene.getEngine());

Within your scene's render/game loop, you can query the DeviceSourceManager for the current state of a specific input. First, you will need to get the DeviceSource object. With this object, you can then query for a specific input's status.

// If the device has been registered in the DeviceSourceManager
if (deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox)) {
// And the A button was pressed
if (deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox).getInput(BABYLON.XboxInput.A) === 1) {
// Do something

It should also be noted that you can use optional chaining to make checks fit into a single line

if (deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox)?.getInput(BABYLON.XboxInput.A) === 1) {
// Do something

Events and Observables

You can use the following Observables to work with identifiers for a given device

// When a device is registered in the DeviceSourceManager
onDeviceConnectedObservable.add((device) => {
// You can get the device type by using device.deviceType
// You can also get the device slot by using device.deviceSlot (default is 0 for keyboard and 1 for mouse)
// "device" is of Type DeviceSource do you can also access the getInput function or add an observable for onInputChangedObservable
// When a device is unregistered in the DeviceSourceManager
onDeviceDisconnectedObservable.add((device) => {
// You can get the device type by using device.deviceType
// You can also get the device slot by using device.deviceSlot (default is 0 for keyboard and 1 for mouse)
// "device" is of Type DeviceSource

Here's a demonstration of how these Observables work

Basic DeviceSourceManager Demo

For Keyboards and Pointers, you can use an event based system to get the current input and previous input when an input is activated

deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Keyboard).onInputChangedObservable.add((eventData) => {
// eventData will contain the event data that you'd find in something like a PointerEvent or KeyboardEvent
// eventData also has an additional value inputIndex