Solid Particles From Mesh Facets

Digest a Mesh

There is another way than adding shapes of meshes used as models to populate the SPS : you can directly "digest" a mesh.
To digest a mesh means that the SPS will decompose this mesh geometry and use all its facets to generate the particles. So, by default, a digested mesh generates as many particles as the mesh number of facets.

var model = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateTorusKnot(
{ radius: 20, tube: 6, tubularSegments: 64, radialSegments: 128 },

Note that in this case, all the generated particles have their property "position" set with some values and no more to (0, 0, 0).
This method is obviously compatible with addShape() and you can even call it several times with the same model, or different models, in the same SPS.

var model = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateTorusKnot(
{ radius: 20, tube: 6, tubularSegments: 64, radialSegments: 128 },
SPS.addShape(boxModel, 50);
SPS.addShape(sphereModel, 20);
SPS.digest(model, { number: 10 });

This method accepts three optional parameters : facetNb, delta and number

  • facetNb is the number of the mesh facets required to build each particle. By default, the value is set to 1, this means each particle will just be a triangle (a mesh facet). Set to 2 and you'll probably get quads instead.
    The number of generated particles depends then on the mesh initial number of facets and on the faceNb value.
    This parameter is overriden if the parameter number is set.
  • delta (default 0), used with facetNb, allows to generate each particle with a random size between facetNb and facetNb + delta facets.
  • number is the wanted number of particles. digest() divides then the mesh into number particles of the same size in term of the number of facets used per particle.
    If number is greater than the total number of mesh facets, then this total number is used for the value of number.
var model = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateTorusKnot(
{ radius: 20, tube: 6, tubularSegments: 64, radialSegments: 128 },
SPS.digest(model, { facetNb: 10 }); // 10 facets per particle whatever their final number
SPS.digest(model, { number: 200 }); // 200 particles whatever their final size
SPS.digest(model, { facetNb: 10, delta: 30 }); // between 10 and 40 facets per particle, randomly, whatever their final number

Example (click on the torus knot): Solid Particle From Mesh Facets Example