  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Manage the pointers inputs to control an follow camera.







angularSensibilityX: number

Defines the pointer angular sensibility along the X axis or how fast is the camera rotating. A negative number will reverse the axis direction.

angularSensibilityY: number

Defines the pointer angular sensibility along the Y axis or how fast is the camera rotating. A negative number will reverse the axis direction.

axisPinchControlHeight: boolean

Pinch controls height. (Pinch modifies camera.heightOffset value.)

axisPinchControlRadius: boolean

Pinch controls zoom. (Pinch modifies camera.radius value.)

axisPinchControlRotation: boolean

Pinch controls angle. (Pinch modifies camera.rotationOffset value.)

axisXControlHeight: boolean

Pointer X axis controls height. (X axis modifies camera.heightOffset value.)

axisXControlRadius: boolean

Pointer X axis controls zoom. (X axis modifies camera.radius value.)

axisXControlRotation: boolean

Pointer X axis controls angle. (X axis modifies camera.rotationOffset value.)

axisYControlHeight: boolean

Pointer Y axis controls height. (Y axis modifies camera.heightOffset value.)

axisYControlRadius: boolean

Pointer Y axis controls zoom. (Y axis modifies camera.radius value.)

axisYControlRotation: boolean

Pointer Y axis controls angle. (Y axis modifies camera.rotationOffset value.)

buttons: number[]

Defines the buttons associated with the input to handle camera move.

camera: FollowCamera

Defines the camera the input is attached to.

pinchDeltaPercentage: number

pinchDeltaPercentage will be used instead of pinchPrecision if different from 0. It defines the percentage of current camera.radius to use as delta when pinch zoom is used.

pinchPrecision: number

Defines the pointer pinch precision or how fast is the camera zooming. A negative number will reverse the axis direction.

warningEnable: boolean

Log error messages if basic misconfiguration has occurred.


  • attachControl(noPreventDefault?: boolean): void
  • detachControl(): void
  • getClassName(): string
  • getSimpleName(): string
  • Get the friendly name associated with the input class.

    Returns string

    the input friendly name

  • Called each time a new POINTERDOWN event occurs. Ie, for each button press. Override this method to provide functionality.


    Returns void

  • Called each time a new POINTERUP event occurs. Ie, for each button release. Override this method to provide functionality.


    Returns void

  • onContextMenu(evt: PointerEvent): void
  • Called on JS contextmenu event. Override this method to provide functionality.


    • evt: PointerEvent

    Returns void

  • onDoubleTap(type: string): void
  • Called on pointer POINTERDOUBLETAP event. Override this method to provide functionality on POINTERDOUBLETAP event.


    • type: string

    Returns void

  • onLostFocus(): void
  • Called when window becomes inactive. Override this method to provide functionality.

    Returns void

  • Called on pointer POINTERMOVE event if only a single touch is active. Override this method to provide functionality.


    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

