  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Manage the mouse wheel inputs to control a free camera.







camera: FreeCamera

Defines the camera the input is attached to.

onChangedObservable: Observable<{ wheelDeltaX: number; wheelDeltaY: number; wheelDeltaZ: number }>

Observable for when a mouse wheel move event occurs.

wheelPrecisionX: number

How fast is the camera moves in relation to X axis mouseWheel events. Use negative value to reverse direction.

wheelPrecisionY: number

How fast is the camera moves in relation to Y axis mouseWheel events. Use negative value to reverse direction.

wheelPrecisionZ: number

How fast is the camera moves in relation to Z axis mouseWheel events. Use negative value to reverse direction.


  • Get the configured movement axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's X axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which movement axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's X axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured movement axis (relative to the scene) the mouse wheel's X axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which movement axis (relative to the scene) the mouse wheel's X axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured rotation axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's X axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which rotation axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's X axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured movement axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Y axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which movement axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Y axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured movement axis (relative to the scene) the mouse wheel's Y axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which movement axis (relative to the scene) the mouse wheel's Y axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured rotation axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Y axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which rotation axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Y axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured movement axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Z axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which movement axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Z axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured movement axis (relative to the scene) the mouse wheel's Z axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which movement axis (relative to the scene) the mouse wheel's Z axis controls.


    Returns void

  • Get the configured rotation axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Z axis controls.

    Returns Nullable<Coordinate>

    The configured axis or null if none.

  • Set which rotation axis (relative to camera's orientation) the mouse wheel's Z axis controls.


    Returns void


  • attachControl(noPreventDefault?: boolean): void
  • checkInputs(): void
  • detachControl(): void
  • getClassName(): string
  • getSimpleName(): string
  • Get the friendly name associated with the input class.

    Returns string

    the input friendly name


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

