  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A shape container holds a variable number of shapes. Use AddChild to append to newly created parent container.





_pluginData: any

V2 Physics plugin private data for single shape


  • get density(): number
  • set density(density: number): void
  • Returns the density of the physics shape.

    Returns number

    The density of the physics shape.

  • Sets the density of the physics shape.


    • density: number

      The density of the physics shape.

    Returns void

  • get filterCollideMask(): number
  • set filterCollideMask(collideMask: number): void
  • Sets the collide mask of a shape. This is a bitfield of arbitrary "categories" to which this shape collides with. Given two shapes, the engine will check if the collide mask and membership overlap: shapeA.filterMembershipMask & shapeB.filterCollideMask

    If this value is zero (i.e. shapeB only collides with categories which shapeA is not a member of) then the shapes will not collide.

    Note, the engine will also perform the same test with shapeA and shapeB swapped; the shapes will not collide if either shape has a collideMask which prevents collision with the other shape.

    Returns number

    Bitmask of categories that this shape should collide with

  • Sets the collide mask of a shape. This is a bitfield of arbitrary "categories" to which this shape collides with. Given two shapes, the engine will check if the collide mask and membership overlap: shapeA.filterMembershipMask & shapeB.filterCollideMask

    If this value is zero (i.e. shapeB only collides with categories which shapeA is not a member of) then the shapes will not collide.

    Note, the engine will also perform the same test with shapeA and shapeB swapped; the shapes will not collide if either shape has a collideMask which prevents collision with the other shape.


    • collideMask: number

      Bitmask of categories this shape should collide with

    Returns void

  • get filterMembershipMask(): number
  • set filterMembershipMask(membershipMask: number): void
  • Get the membership mask of a shape.

    Returns number

    Bitmask of categories which this shape is a member of.

  • Set the membership mask of a shape. This is a bitfield of arbitrary "categories" to which the shape is a member. This is used in combination with the collide mask to determine if this shape should collide with another.


    • membershipMask: number

      Bitfield of categories of this shape.

    Returns void

  • get isTrigger(): boolean
  • set isTrigger(isTrigger: boolean): void
  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • isTrigger: boolean

    Returns void

  • Returns the material of the physics shape.

    Returns PhysicsMaterial

    The material of the physics shape.

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Returns the type of the physics shape.

    Returns PhysicsShapeType

    The type of the physics shape.


  • Adds a child shape to a container with an optional transform


    • newChild: PhysicsShape

      The new PhysicsShape to add

    • Optional translation: Vector3

      Optional position of the child shape relative to this shape

    • Optional rotation: Quaternion

      Optional rotation of the child shape relative to this shape

    • Optional scale: Vector3

      Optional scale of the child shape relative to this shape

    Returns void

  • Utility to add a child shape to this container, automatically computing the relative transform between the container shape and the child instance.


    • parentTransform: TransformNode

      The transform node associated with this shape

    • newChild: PhysicsShape

      The new PhysicsShape to add

    • childTransform: TransformNode

      The transform node associated with the child shape

    Returns void

  • dispose(): void
  • Dispose the shape and release its associated resources.

    Returns void

  • Returns the bounding box of the physics shape.

    Returns BoundingBox

    The bounding box of the physics shape.

  • getClassName(): string
  • Returns the string "PhysicsShape".

    Returns string


  • getNumChildren(): number
  • Returns the number of children of a physics shape.

    Returns number

    The number of children of a physics shape.

  • removeChild(childIndex: number): void
  • Removes a child shape from this shape.


    • childIndex: number

      The index of the child shape to remove

    Returns void


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

