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Standard rendering pipeline Default pipeline should be used going forward but the standard pipeline will be kept for backwards compatibility.







  • Default pipeline should be used going forward but the standard pipeline will be kept for backwards compatibility.


    • name: string

      The rendering pipeline name

    • scene: Scene

      The scene linked to this pipeline

    • ratio: number

      The size of the postprocesses (0.5 means that your postprocess will have a width = canvas.width 0.5 and a height = canvas.height 0.5)

    • Optional originalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

      the custom original color post-process. Must be "reusable". Can be null.

    • Optional cameras: Camera[]

      The array of cameras that the rendering pipeline will be attached to

    Returns StandardRenderingPipeline


animations: Animation[]

List of animations for the pipeline (IAnimatable implementation)

blurHPostProcesses: PostProcess[]

Post-process array storing all the horizontal blur post-processes used by the pipeline

blurVPostProcesses: PostProcess[]

Post-process array storing all the vertical blur post-processes used by the pipeline

blurWidth: number

Configures the blur intensity used for surexposed surfaces are highlighted surfaces (light halo)

brightPassPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to calculate the illuminated surfaces controlled by a threshold

brightThreshold: number

Represents the brightness threshold in order to configure the illuminated surfaces

depthOfFieldBlurWidth: number

Represents the blur intensity for the blurred part of the depth of field effect

depthOfFieldDistance: number

Represents the focal length for the depth of field effect

depthOfFieldPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a depth of field effect

downSampleX4PostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to down scale an image x4

fxaaPostProcess: Nullable<FxaaPostProcess>

The Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing post process which attempts to remove aliasing from an image.

hdrDecreaseRate: number

For eye adaptation, represents the decrease luminance speed

hdrFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to merge the final HDR post-process and the real scene color

hdrIncreaseRate: number

For eye adaptation, represents the increase luminance speed

hdrMinimumLuminance: number

For eye adaptation, represents the minimum luminance the eye can see

hdrPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a HDR effect (light adaptation)

horizontalBlur: boolean

Sets if the blur for highlighted surfaces must be only horizontal

inspectableCustomProperties: IInspectable[]

List of inspectable custom properties (used by the Inspector)



lensColorTexture: Nullable<Texture>

Lens color texture used by the lens flare effect. Mandatory if lens flare effect enabled

lensFlareBlurWidth: number

Configures the blur intensity used for for lens flare (halo)

lensFlareComposePostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process that merges the result of the lens flare post-process and the real scene color

lensFlareDirtTexture: Nullable<Texture>

As the "lensTexture" (can be the same texture or different), it is used to apply the lens flare effect by taking account of the dirt texture

lensFlareDistortionStrength: number

Based on the lens distortion effect, defines how much the lens flare result is distorted

lensFlareFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to store the final lens flare post-process (attach/detach for debug purpose)

lensFlareGhostDispersal: number

Dispersion coefficient for lens flare ghosts

lensFlareHaloWidth: number

Main lens flare halo width

lensFlarePostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a lens flare effect

lensFlareStrength: number

The overall strength for the lens flare effect

lensStarTexture: Nullable<Texture>

Lens star texture must be used to simulate rays on the flares and is available in the documentation

lensTexture: Nullable<Texture>

Texture used typically to simulate "dirty" on camera lens

luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses: PostProcess[]

Post-processes used to create down sample post-processes in order to get the average luminance of the final image for HDR Array of length "StandardRenderingPipeline.LuminanceSteps"

luminancePostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Base post-process used to calculate the average luminance of the final image for HDR

motionBlurPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a motion blur effect

originalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process which contains the original scene color before the pipeline applies all the effects

screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess: Nullable<ScreenSpaceReflectionPostProcess>

Post-process used to simulate realtime reflections using the screen space and geometry renderer.

Light (spot or directional) used to generate the volumetric lights rays The source light must have a shadow generate so the pipeline can get its depth map

textureAdderFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to store the final texture adder post-process (attach/detach for debug purpose)

textureAdderPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to add colors of 2 textures (typically brightness + real scene color)

volumetricLightBlurScale: number

Used the set the blur intensity to smooth the volumetric lights

volumetricLightCoefficient: number

Represents the offset coefficient based on Rayleigh principle. Typically in interval [-0.2, 0.2]

volumetricLightFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to store the final volumetric light post-process (attach/detach for debug purpose)

volumetricLightMergePostProces: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to merge the volumetric light effect and the real scene color

volumetricLightPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create volumetric lighting effect

volumetricLightPower: number

The overall power of volumetric lights, typically in interval [0, 10] maximum

volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess: Nullable<BlurPostProcess>

Post-process used to smooth the previous volumetric light post-process on the X axis

volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess: Nullable<BlurPostProcess>

Post-process used to smooth the previous volumetric light post-process on the Y axis

LuminanceSteps: number

Luminance steps


  • Gets the list of attached cameras

    Returns Camera[]

  • get exposure(): number
  • set exposure(value: number): void
  • Gets the overall exposure used by the pipeline

    Returns number

  • Sets the overall exposure used by the pipeline


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get fxaaEnabled(): boolean
  • set fxaaEnabled(enabled: boolean): void
  • Specifies if anti-aliasing is enabled

    Returns boolean

  • Specifies if anti-aliasing is enabled


    • enabled: boolean

    Returns void

  • get hdrAutoExposure(): boolean
  • set hdrAutoExposure(value: boolean): void
  • Gets whether or not the exposure of the overall pipeline should be automatically adjusted by the HDR post-process

    Returns boolean

  • Sets whether or not the exposure of the overall pipeline should be automatically adjusted by the HDR post-process


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get isSupported(): boolean
  • If all the render effects in the pipeline are supported

    Returns boolean

  • get motionBlurSamples(): number
  • set motionBlurSamples(samples: number): void
  • Specifies the number of samples used for the motion blur effect Typically in interval [16, 64]

    Returns number

  • Specifies the number of samples used for the motion blur effect Typically in interval [16, 64]


    • samples: number

    Returns void

  • get motionStrength(): number
  • set motionStrength(strength: number): void
  • Gets how much the image is blurred by the movement while using the motion blur post-process

    Returns number

  • Sets how much the image is blurred by the movement while using the motion blur post-process


    • strength: number

    Returns void

  • get name(): string
  • Gets pipeline name

    Returns string

  • get objectBasedMotionBlur(): boolean
  • set objectBasedMotionBlur(value: boolean): void
  • Gets whether or not the motion blur post-process is object based or screen based.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets whether or not the motion blur post-process should be object based or screen based


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get samples(): number
  • set samples(sampleCount: number): void
  • Specifies MSAA sample count, setting this to 4 will provide 4x anti aliasing. (default: 1)

    Returns number

  • Specifies MSAA sample count, setting this to 4 will provide 4x anti aliasing. (default: 1)


    • sampleCount: number

    Returns void

  • get screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled(): boolean
  • set screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled(enabled: boolean): void
  • Specifies if screen space reflections are enabled.

    Returns boolean

  • Specifies if screen space reflections are enabled.


    • enabled: boolean

    Returns void

  • get volumetricLightStepsCount(): number
  • set volumetricLightStepsCount(count: number): void
  • Specifies the number of steps used to calculate the volumetric lights Typically in interval [50, 200]

    Returns number

  • Specifies the number of steps used to calculate the volumetric lights Typically in interval [50, 200]


    • count: number

    Returns void


  • dispose(): void
  • getClassName(): string
  • serialize(): any
  • Serialize the rendering pipeline (Used when exporting)

    Returns any

    the serialized object

  • Parse the serialized pipeline


    • source: any

      Source pipeline.

    • scene: Scene

      The scene to load the pipeline to.

    • rootUrl: string

      The URL of the serialized pipeline.

    Returns StandardRenderingPipeline

    An instantiated pipeline from the serialized object.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static property
  • Static method

