  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Renders a layer on top of an existing scene


  • UtilityLayerRenderer




  • Instantiates a UtilityLayerRenderer


    • originalScene: Scene

      the original scene that will be rendered on top of

    • Optional handleEvents: boolean

      boolean indicating if the utility layer should handle events

    Returns UtilityLayerRenderer


mainSceneTrackerPredicate: ((mesh: Nullable<AbstractMesh>) => boolean)

Type declaration

onPointerOutObservable: Observable<number>

Observable raised when the pointer moves from the utility layer scene to the main scene

onlyCheckPointerDownEvents: boolean

If set to true, only pointer down onPointerObservable events will be blocked when picking is occluded by original scene

originalScene: Scene

the original scene that will be rendered on top of

pickUtilitySceneFirst: boolean

If the picking should be done on the utility layer prior to the actual scene (Default: true)

pickingEnabled: boolean

Set to false to disable picking

processAllEvents: boolean

If set to false, only pointerUp, pointerDown and pointerMove will be sent to the utilityLayerScene (false by default)

shouldRender: boolean

If the utility layer should automatically be rendered on top of existing scene

utilityLayerScene: Scene

The scene that is rendered on top of the original scene


  • A shared utility layer that can be used to embed objects into a scene (Depth map of the previous scene is not cleared before drawing on top of it)

    Returns UtilityLayerRenderer

  • A shared utility layer that can be used to overlay objects into a scene (Depth map of the previous scene is cleared before drawing on top of it)

    Returns UtilityLayerRenderer


  • dispose(): void
  • Disposes of the renderer

    Returns void

  • getRenderCamera(getRigParentIfPossible?: boolean): Camera
  • Gets the camera that is used to render the utility layer (when not set, this will be the last active camera)


    • Optional getRigParentIfPossible: boolean

      if the current active camera is a rig camera, should its parent camera be returned

    Returns Camera

    the camera that is used when rendering the utility layer

  • render(): void
  • Renders the utility layers scene on top of the original scene

    Returns void

  • Sets the camera that should be used when rendering the utility layer (If set to null the last active camera will be used)


    • cam: Nullable<Camera>

      the camera that should be used when rendering the utility layer

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

