  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A module that will enable VR locomotion by detecting when the user walks in place.





disableAutoAttach: boolean

Should auto-attach be disabled?

isDisposed: boolean

Is this feature disposed?

xrNativeFeatureName: string

The name of the native xr feature name (like anchor, hit-test, or hand-tracking)


  • get attached(): boolean
  • Is this feature attached

    Returns boolean

  • The target to be articulated by walking locomotion. When the walking locomotion feature detects walking in place, this element's X and Z coordinates will be modified to reflect locomotion. This target should be either the XR space's origin (i.e., the parent node of the WebXRCamera) or the WebXRCamera itself. Note that the WebXRCamera path will modify the position of the WebXRCamera directly and is thus discouraged.

    Returns TransformNode | WebXRCamera

  • The target to be articulated by walking locomotion. When the walking locomotion feature detects walking in place, this element's X and Z coordinates will be modified to reflect locomotion. This target should be either the XR space's origin (i.e., the parent node of the WebXRCamera) or the WebXRCamera itself. Note that the WebXRCamera path will modify the position of the WebXRCamera directly and is thus discouraged.


    Returns void

  • get Name(): string
  • The module's name.

    Returns string

  • get Version(): number
  • The (Babylon) version of this module. This is an integer representing the implementation version. This number has no external basis.

    Returns number


  • attach(): boolean
  • Attaches the feature. Typically called automatically by the features manager.

    Returns boolean

    true if attach succeeded, false otherwise

  • detach(): boolean
  • Detaches the feature. Typically called automatically by the features manager.

    Returns boolean

    true if detach succeeded, false otherwise

  • dispose(): void
  • Dispose this feature and all of the resources attached

    Returns void

  • isCompatible(): boolean
  • Checks whether this feature is compatible with the current WebXR session. Walking locomotion is only compatible with "immersive-vr" sessions.

    Returns boolean

    true if compatible, false otherwise


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

