  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface for a glTF loader extension.


Implemented by



enabled: boolean

Defines whether this extension is enabled.

name: string

The name of this extension.

order?: number

Defines the order of this extension. The loader sorts the extensions using these values when loading.


  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when creating materials.


    • context: string

      The context when loading the asset

    • material: BABYLON.GLTF2.Loader.IMaterial

      The glTF material property

    • babylonDrawMode: number

      The draw mode for the Babylon material

    Returns Nullable<Material>

    The Babylon material or null if not handled

  • dispose(): void
  • Releases all held resources

    Returns void

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading animations.


    Returns Nullable<Promise<AnimationGroup>>

    A promise that resolves with the loaded Babylon animation group when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading buffers.


    • context: string

      The context when loading the asset

    • buffer: BABYLON.GLTF2.Loader.IBuffer

      The glTF buffer property

    • byteOffset: number

      The byte offset to load

    • byteLength: number

      The byte length to load

    Returns Nullable<Promise<ArrayBufferView>>

    A promise that resolves with the loaded data when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading buffer views.


    Returns Nullable<Promise<ArrayBufferView>>

    A promise that resolves with the loaded data when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading cameras.


    • context: string

      The context when loading the asset

    • camera: BABYLON.GLTF2.Loader.ICamera

      The glTF camera property

    • assign: ((babylonCamera: Camera) => void)

      A function called synchronously after parsing the glTF properties

        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns Nullable<Promise<Camera>>

    A promise that resolves with the loaded Babylon camera when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading material properties.


    Returns Nullable<Promise<void>>

    A promise that resolves when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading nodes.


    Returns Nullable<Promise<TransformNode>>

    A promise that resolves with the loaded Babylon transform node when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading scenes.


    Returns Nullable<Promise<void>>

    A promise that resolves when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • Define this method to modify the default behavior when loading texture infos.


    • context: string

      The context when loading the asset

    • textureInfo: BABYLON.GLTF2.Loader.ITextureInfo

      The glTF texture info property

    • assign: ((babylonTexture: BaseTexture) => void)

      A function called synchronously after parsing the glTF properties

    Returns Nullable<Promise<BaseTexture>>

    A promise that resolves with the loaded Babylon texture when the load is complete or null if not handled

  • onLoading(): void
  • Called after the loader state changes to LOADING.

    Returns void

  • onReady(): void
  • Called after the loader state changes to READY.

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

