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Crowd Interface. A Crowd is a collection of moving agents constrained by a navigation mesh


  • ICrowd

Implemented by



  • Add a new agent to the crowd with the specified parameter a corresponding transformNode. You can attach anything to that node. The node position is updated in the scene update tick.


    • pos: Vector3

      world position that will be constrained by the navigation mesh

    • parameters: IAgentParameters

      agent parameters

    • transform: TransformNode

      hooked to the agent that will be update by the scene

    Returns number

    agent index

  • agentGoto(index: number, destination: Vector3): void
  • Asks a particular agent to go to a destination. That destination is constrained by the navigation mesh


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    • destination: Vector3

      targeted world position

    Returns void

  • agentTeleport(index: number, destination: Vector3): void
  • Teleport the agent to a new position


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    • destination: Vector3

      targeted world position

    Returns void

  • dispose(): void
  • Release all resources

    Returns void

  • getAgentNextTargetPath(index: number): Vector3
  • Gets the agent next target point on the path


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    Returns Vector3

    world space position

  • getAgentNextTargetPathToRef(index: number, result: Vector3): void
  • Gets the agent next target point on the path


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    • result: Vector3

      output world space position

    Returns void

  • getAgentPosition(index: number): Vector3
  • Returns the agent position in world space


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    Returns Vector3

    world space position

  • getAgentPositionToRef(index: number, result: Vector3): void
  • Gets the agent position result in world space


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    • result: Vector3

      output world space position

    Returns void

  • getAgentState(index: number): number
  • Gets the agent state


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    Returns number

    agent state

  • getAgentVelocity(index: number): Vector3
  • Gets the agent velocity in world space


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    Returns Vector3

    world space velocity

  • getAgentVelocityToRef(index: number, result: Vector3): void
  • Gets the agent velocity result in world space


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    • result: Vector3

      output world space velocity

    Returns void

  • getAgents(): number[]
  • get the list of all agents attached to this crowd

    Returns number[]

    list of agent indices

  • getCorners(index: number): Vector3[]
  • Get the next corner points composing the path (max 4 points)


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    Returns Vector3[]

    array containing world position composing the path

  • Get the Bounding box extent specified by setDefaultQueryExtent

    Returns Vector3

    the box extent values

  • getDefaultQueryExtentToRef(result: Vector3): void
  • Get the Bounding box extent result specified by setDefaultQueryExtent


    • result: Vector3

      output the box extent values

    Returns void

  • overOffmeshConnection(index: number): boolean
  • returns true if the agent in over an off mesh link connection


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    Returns boolean

    true if over an off mesh link connection

  • removeAgent(index: number): void
  • remove a particular agent previously created


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    Returns void

  • setDefaultQueryExtent(extent: Vector3): void
  • Set the Bounding box extent for doing spatial queries (getClosestPoint, getRandomPointAround, ...) The queries will try to find a solution within those bounds default is (1,1,1)


    • extent: Vector3

      x,y,z value that define the extent around the queries point of reference

    Returns void

  • update(deltaTime: number): void
  • Tick update done by the Scene. Agent position/velocity/acceleration is updated by this function


    • deltaTime: number

      in seconds

    Returns void

  • Update agent parameters


    • index: number

      agent index returned by addAgent

    • parameters: IAgentParameters

      agent parameters

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

