  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Options to be used when creating an effect.


  • IEffectCreationOptions



attributes: string[]

Attributes that will be used in the shader.

defines: any

Define statements that will be set in the shader.

Possible fallbacks for this effect to improve performance when needed.

indexParameters?: any

Parameters to be used with Babylons include syntax to iterate over an array (eg. {lights: 10})

maxSimultaneousLights?: number

Max number of lights that can be used in the shader.

multiTarget?: boolean

Is this effect rendering to several color attachments ?

onCompiled: Nullable<((effect: Effect) => void)>

Callback that will be called when the shader is compiled.

onError: Nullable<((effect: Effect, errors: string) => void)>

Callback that will be called if an error occurs during shader compilation.

processCodeAfterIncludes?: Nullable<ShaderCustomProcessingFunction>

If provided, will be called two times with the vertex and fragment code so that this code can be updated after the #include have been processed

If provided, will be called two times with the vertex and fragment code so that this code can be updated before it is compiled by the GPU

samplers: string[]

Sampler texture variable names that will be set in the shader.

shaderLanguage?: ShaderLanguage

The language the shader is written in (default: GLSL)

transformFeedbackVaryings?: Nullable<string[]>
uniformBuffersNames: string[]

Uniform buffer variable names that will be set in the shader.

uniformsNames: string[]

Uniform variable names that will be set in the shader.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

