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Creation options of the multi render target texture.


  • IMultiRenderTargetOptions



defaultType?: number

Define the default type of the buffers we are creating

depthTextureFormat?: number

Define depth texture format to use

doNotChangeAspectRatio?: boolean

Define if aspect ratio should be adapted to the texture or stay the scene one

drawOnlyOnFirstAttachmentByDefault?: boolean

Define the default type of the buffers we are creating

faceIndex?: number[]

Define the face index of each texture in the textures array (if applicable, given the corresponding targetType) at creation time (for Constants.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP and .TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY). Can be changed at any time by calling setLayerAndFaceIndices or setLayerAndFaceIndex

formats?: number[]

Define the internal format of the buffer in the RTT (RED, RG, RGB, RGBA (default), ALPHA...) of all the draw buffers we want to create

generateDepthBuffer?: boolean

Define if a depth buffer is required

generateDepthTexture?: boolean

Define if a depth texture is required instead of a depth buffer

generateMipMaps?: boolean

Define if the texture needs to create mip maps after render.

generateStencilBuffer?: boolean

Define if a stencil buffer is required

layerCounts?: number[]

Define the number of layer of each texture in the textures array (if applicable, given the corresponding targetType) (for Constants.TEXTURE_3D, .TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, and .TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY)

layerIndex?: number[]

Define the layer index of each texture in the textures array (if applicable, given the corresponding targetType) at creation time (for Constants.TEXTURE_3D, .TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, and .TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY). Can be changed at any time by calling setLayerAndFaceIndices or setLayerAndFaceIndex

samplingModes?: number[]

Define the sampling modes of all the draw buffers we want to create

targetTypes?: number[]

Define the type of texture at each attahment index (of Constants.TEXTURE_2D, .TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, .TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, .TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, .TEXTURE_3D). You can also use the -1 value to indicate that no texture should be created but that you will assign a texture to that attachment index later. Can be useful when you want to attach several layers of the same 2DArrayTexture / 3DTexture or several faces of the same CubeMapTexture: Use the setInternalTexture method for that purpose, after the MultiRenderTarget has been created.

textureCount?: number

Define the number of desired draw buffers

types?: number[]

Define the types of all the draw buffers we want to create

useSRGBBuffers?: boolean[]

Define if sRGB format should be used for each of the draw buffers we want to create


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

