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Parameters used to describe a Constraint


  • PhysicsConstraintParameters



axisA?: Vector3

An axis in the space of the first body which determines how distances/angles are measured for LINEAR_X/ANGULAR_X limits.

axisB?: Vector3

An axis in the space of the second body which determines how distances/angles are measured for LINEAR_X/ANGULAR_X limits.

collision?: boolean

Determines if the connected bodies should collide. Generally, it is preferable to set this to false, especially if the constraint positions the bodies so that they overlap. Otherwise, the constraint will "fight" the collision detection and may cause jitter.

maxDistance?: number

The maximum distance that can seperate the two pivots. Only used for DISTANCE constraints

perpAxisA?: Vector3

An axis in the space of the first body which determines how distances/angles are measured for LINEAR_Y/ANGULAR_Y limits.

perpAxisB?: Vector3

An axis in the space of the second body which determines how distances/angles are measured for LINEAR_Y/ANGULAR_Y limits.

pivotA?: Vector3

Location of the constraint pivot in the space of first body

pivotB?: Vector3

Location of the constraint pivot in the space of the second body


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

