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Parameters used to describe mass and inertia of the Physics Body


  • PhysicsMassProperties



centerOfMass?: Vector3

The center of mass, in local space. This is The point the body will rotate around when applying an angular velocity.

If not provided, the physics engine will compute an appropriate value.

inertia?: Vector3

The principal moments of inertia of this object for a unit mass. This determines how easy it is for the body to rotate. A value of zero on any axis will be used as infinite interia about that axis.

If not provided, the physics engine will compute an appropriate value.

inertiaOrientation?: Quaternion

The rotation rotating from inertia major axis space to parent space (i.e., the rotation which, when applied to the 3x3 inertia tensor causes the inertia tensor to become a diagonal matrix). This determines how the values of inertia are aligned with the parent object.

If not provided, the physics engine will compute an appropriate value.

mass?: number

The total mass of this object, in kilograms. This affects how easy it is to move the body. A value of zero will be used as an infinite mass.

If not provided, the physics engine will compute an appropriate value.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

