Renaming a scene

Renaming A Scene

To rename a scene, just go to the Assets Browser panel and rename the scene file by double-clicking its name.

Once accepted, the following folders will be renamed:

  • workspacePath/projects/oldname -> workspacePath/projects/newname
  • workspacePath/scenes/oldname -> workspacePath/scenes/newname

Scene names must be unique. In case the folders already exists (in other words, if the scene already exists) then the operation is aborted.

Renaming paths in loaders in sources

Paths to scenes being loaded in the code must have their paths updated.

For example:

const rootUrl = "./scenes/oldName/";
SceneLoader.Append(rootUrl, "scene.babylon", this.scene, () => {

should be renamed to:

const rootUrl = "./scenes/newName/";
SceneLoader.Append(rootUrl, "scene.babylon", this.scene, () => {