Materials Library

The Babylon.js materials library is a collection of advanced materials to be used in a Babylon.js scene.

Coming next

Fire Material
The Babylon.js materials library fire effects.
Fire Material
Water Material
The Babylon.js materials library water effect.
Water Material
Lava Material
The Babylon.js materials library lava effect.
Lava Material
Fur Material
The Babylon.js materials library fur effect.
Fur Material
Normal Material
The Babylon.js materials library illustrates range of normals across the mesh.
Normal Material
Terrain Material
The Babylon.js materials library terrain material displays upto 4 terrain textures.
Terrain Material
Tri-Planar Mapping Material
The Babylon.js materials library tri-planar mapping material provides an elegant technique to give realistic textures from any angle or on any complex shape.
Tri-Planar Mapping Material
Gradient material
The Babylon.js materials library gradient material creates a smooth gradient with two colors.
Gradient material
Sky Material
The Babylon.js materials library sky material allows the creation of dynamic and texture free effects for skyboxes.
Sky Material
Grid Material
The Babylon.js materials library displays a grid across the mesh.
Grid Material
ShadowOnly Material
The Babylon.js materials library ShadowOnlyMaterial displays only shadows casted by a light on a receiving object.
ShadowOnly Material
Cell material
The Babylon.js materials library cell material.
Cell material
Mix Material
The Babylon.js materials library mix map textures.
Mix Material